This bot is the moderator for Werewolf games. use /start to register yourself for PMs from the bot (required!).
See for full information
Join the Official group: @werewolfgame
Open Source!
/nextgamebot will PM you when next game is starting
/extend(extend ##) extend the join timer
/startenables PM (PM the bot with this)
/playersget a list of current players
/helpget info on roles and how to play
/fleeDrop from the game
/grouplistget a list of groups for your language
/statsget a link for stats
/pingcheck bot reply time
/getstatuscheck the status of all bots
/chatidgets the id of the group chat
/versiongets the current version
/runinfogets runtime, games, etc
/forcestartGroup Admin, start the game
/configGroup Admin, set options for group
/smiteGroup Admin, kills player
/uploadlangGlobal Admin, upload language file
/validatelangsGlobal Admin, validate language files
Описание бота
Werewolf Moderator bot - for information
Hi there! I'm @werewolfbot, and I moderate games of Werewolf.
Join the main group @werewolfgame, or to find a group to play in, you can use /grouplist.
For role information, use /rolelist.
If you want to set your default language, use /setlang.
Be sure to stop by Werewolf Support for any questions, and subscribe to @greywolfdev for updates from the developer.
More infomation can be found here!
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