Science Daily Health News

Science Daily Health News
This bot will help you to get the lastest news in Science Daily for Diseases, Conditions and Medical Topic, so you can always get your science dose every day. This bot is un-official bot, I am only get the rss for it. if you invite this bot to your groups it will let you know the current topic from Science Daily. if you found this bot is useful please rate it here Thank you in advance.
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Описание бота

Science Daily Health News , an un-official one.
This bot will help you to get the lastest news in Science Daily for Diseases, Conditions and Medical Topic, so you can always get your science dose every day. This bot is un-official bot, I am only get the rss for it. if you invite this bot to your groups it will let you know the current topic from Science Daily. Use /off to pause your subscription.
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Аналитика спортивных событий

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Ben Glinsky

My name is Ben Glinsky, I help people get healthy and make money with my unique $0.33/day club membership.
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