
A headache diary is a sure way to get an accurate diagnosis and be treated correctly. 1. Every day Migrebot will ask you a few questions. You will choose the time for communication yourself. 2. If the bot notices that you are overdoing with painkillers or seizures have become more frequent, it will warn you. 3. You can download the diary at any time. 4. And then send it to the doctor.
Онлайн @migrebotНет оценок
Команды бота
Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».
  • /headacheMake a record of a headache
  • /calendarDiary entries in the calendar
  • /statisticsStatistics, calendar and diary files
  • /settingsSet up a time for questions, language and more
  • /helpList of commands and features

Описание бота

This is a headache diary. I'm done at the University Headache Clinic https://headache.ru List of commands – /help
Смотрите также


Этот бот поможет похудеть. Новостной канал бота: https://t.me/fitcondition Почта поддержки: fitcondition.supp@mail.ru
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Аналитика спортивных событий

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Ben Glinsky

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