Junction Bot

Junction Bot
Welcome to #1 Telegram Bot for message copying and aggregation! Over 35,000 Telegram users trust me to deliver their messages since 2017. I'm the only reliable forwarding system for Telegram with available, transparent support, large community, detailed documentation and a verifiable track record. I copy messages from channels, groups and chats or collect them into one feed. I can do everything, including AI stuff! 🌐 https://junctionbot.io 💬 https://t.me/joinchat/WMIMAZkSpNZiNzYy 👨‍💼 @junction_bot_support
Онлайн @junction_botНет оценок
Команды бота
Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».
  • /helphelp
  • /subslist of your subscriptions
  • /joincreate subscription
  • /forwardslist of your forwards
  • /newcreate a new forward
  • /accountyour account information
  • /pricingpaid services
  • /powerupbuy Standard account
  • /powerupprobuy Direct Connection or Extra Packages
  • /helpcommandsall available commands

Описание бота

This bot copies, filters, transforms or aggregates messages. 🌐 http://junctionbot.io 👨‍💼 @junction_bot_support
Welcome to the #1 bot for messages copying and aggregation! Choose your language Please note than all translations other than English and Russian are machine-translated. If you understand one of these two, better choose one of them.
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