EmailGate bot

EmailGate bot
• Publications from your Email to Telegram groups and channels • Scheduled (up to 30 days), repeatable, and auto-deleted publications • Messages with buttons, emojis, and images • Text conversion according to user's rules • Ability to edit published messages Languages: English, Español, Русский.
Онлайн @emailgatebotНет оценок
Команды бота
Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».
  • /startstart using bot
  • /languagechoose the language for conversation
  • /helpbrief info
  • /buycoinsfund your account with EmailGateBot internal coins
  • /coinslogview the history of balance changes
  • /referralsreferral program
  • /chatlistcsv file of your chats
  • /clearkeyboardremoves the custom keyboard from groups and channels
  • /emojicodeview textual code of emoji icon

Описание бота

Gate for any email to Telegram. Scheduled, repeatable, and auto-deleted publications with buttons.
This bot allows posting from an email box to Telegram chats, where you added this bot. You can publish all kinds of content (pictures, stickers, voice, etc.) and add buttons to messages. Messages can be scheduled up to 30 days ahead, repeatable and auto-deleted. Published messages can be edited. /start to return to this screen at any time. /language to change the language of this conversation. /help for more info. 💰 your coins: 0 /buycoins for fund your account with EmailGateBot internal coins. /coinslog for view the history of balance changes. /referrals for join to the referral program. 🎓 Learn more from the detailed guide. 🗣 Stay tuned at the news channel of the bot. 👥 Ask questions at the bot support group.
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