
This is a bot to play the Italian game Briscola! 🔧 Developer: @robot_t_t
Онлайн @briscolabotНет оценок
Команды бота
Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».
  • /newgameCreate a new Briscola game if there are no running game
  • /newscopaCreate a new Scopa game if there are no running game
  • /newtresCreate a new tressette game if there are no running game
  • /joinJoin a game that is not started yet
  • /helpGet help message
  • /fleeLeave a game that is not started yet
  • /smiteAs admin, remove a player before the game starts
  • /startgameStart a previously created game
  • /nextgameGet notified when a new game is created
  • /killgameAs admin, end the current game
  • /skipSkip a player after 55 seconds of inactivity
  • /brulesSend the rules of Briscola Game
  • /statsSend the stats
  • /cacheUpdate the list of admins

Описание бота

🔧 Developer: @robot_t_t
Hey there, I am @BriscolaBot, I am a bot to play the Italian game Briscola! • If you are new to this game, please use /brules to learn more about it. • If you want to know more about the commands, use /help. Feel free to privately contact the developer for any issue/suggestion: @robot_t_t.
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