
A bot to help play some card games. Add the bot to a group and type /start@bluffingbot to start a game or type /help@bluffingbot to see a summary of the rules. You can also join @bluffing to find some other players. Visit to play without Telegram.
Онлайн @bluffingbotНет оценок
Команды бота
Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».
  • /coupCreate a game of Coup
  • /letterCreate a game of Love Letter
  • /sixCreate a game of 6 Takes!
  • /foxCreate a game of Fox in the Forest
  • /chameleonCreate a game of Chameleon
  • /zombieCreate a game of Zombie Dice
  • /snitchCreate a game of Snitch
  • /superfightCreate a game of Superfight
  • /joinJoin an existing game or create a new one
  • /startStart an existing game
  • /cancelCancel an existing game
  • /helpShow a summary of the rules

Описание бота

A bot to help play some card games
Thanks for the message. You can now join a game in a public group.
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