Chess Now

Chess Now
Engage in thrilling chess matches with friends, colleagues, or fellow group members without leaving Telegram. The bot seamlessly integrates into your chats, offering a user-friendly interface for an immersive chess experience.
Онлайн @ChessNowBotНет оценок
Команды бота
Все команды должны начинаться с символа «/».
  • /startPlay chess with Telegram user
  • /statsShow personal and global statistics

Описание бота

Engage in thrilling chess matches with friends, colleagues, or fellow group members without leaving Telegram.
Want to play chess with any contact from Telegram? It's very easy to do so, click the button below or go to the chat which you want to send the invitation to, type in @ChessNowBot, and add a space. You can also send the invitation to a group or channel. In that case, the first person to click the 'Join' button will be your opponent.
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